Preparing for the cookie phaseout: our guide to turning on enhanced conversions

Image shows a notepad and an alarm clock indicating the need to be aware that we are running out of time to prepare for a third-party cookie phaseout

By Owen Prior, Senior Measurement Analyst, Launch

With the cookie phaseout coming in early 2025, enhanced conversions are a key means of ensuring you don’t lose access to crucial data. Enhanced conversions connects Google account holders who are on the internet using various different websites and are logged in to their accounts at the time.

For example, if a user was logged into Youtube and then browsed various different sites, viewed adverts, clicked on links, and eventually made a purchase or got in touch, even if that user had opted out of the cookie part of the site Google has developed a method to connect these interactions together if they’re logged into a Google site.

Enhanced conversions enable you to:

  • Recover conversions from opted out users​
  • Improve accuracy, keeping smart bidding smart​
  • Send first-party conversion data from your website to Google in a privacy-safe way

A simple guide to turning on enhanced conversions

Hopefully you’re starting to see the appeal of turning on enhanced conversions in your Google Ads account! I’ve created a guide to walk you through how to do this, and some of the things you should bear in mind.

You can download it here.

Data and analytics resources 

It’s been a big year for data with Google announcing the phaseout of cookies in the coming months, and making major changes to consent mode.  

Our ebook The Definitive Guide to Cookies and Data Privacy for Digital Marketing Teams unpacks the upcoming changes and what you can do to prepare and continue to collect the data you need.  

If you have any data related questions, feel free to get in touch with our team!