5 Key Digital Marketing Predictions for 2024

A person wears a VR headset in a pink and purple room

By Mike Sharp

As we navigate through 2024, it’s time to don our prognostic hats and delve into the future of advertising. With rapid technological advancements and continued market fluctuations, predicting what’s to come becomes a thrilling challenge. Below, we outline five pivotal predictions for the digital marketing industry as we continue our journey through this dynamic year:

1. The Ascendancy of Social Commerce

While social commerce was already on the radar in 2023, 2024 has seen it solidify as an indispensable retail channel. Even for someone like me, who admittedly spends too much time scrolling through TikTok, it’s clear that social media platforms are not just for socialising anymore. They are vital shopping venues, where influencers now mirror the old-school, QVC-style selling that once seemed a relic of the past.

Facebook and Instagram, which launched their shopping features during the height of the 2020 lockdowns, have now perfected these functions, making it easier than ever for users to go from discovery to purchase without leaving the app. TikTok, which joined the social commerce race in late 2021 in the UK, has quickly become a formidable venue for direct-to-consumer sales.

Recent statistics from Kepios suggest a burgeoning global market, with social media users now exceeding 5.07 billion, representing more than 62% of the world’s population—a figure that continues to grow annually. Moreover, a 2024 report from Junglescout highlights an intriguing trend: 35% of consumers now browse or shop on TikTok Shop every week and 23% have made a product purchase there highlighting that TikTok is rapidly catching up to Facebook and Instagram. This shift underscores the critical need for brands to engage seriously with social commerce capabilities in 2024, making the most of every digital interaction to convert views into sales.

2. Enhanced Privacy Compliance through Google Consent Mode V2

As we move into 2024, a significant trend in digital marketing will be the widespread adoption and mandatory implementation of Google Consent Mode V2 within the European Economic Area. This change comes in response to stricter privacy regulations and growing consumer demand for greater control over personal data. Google Consent Mode V2 allows websites to adapt their data collection practices based on user consent, ensuring that even if users decline the use of cookies, minimal essential data can still be gathered in a privacy-compliant manner. This tool plays a crucial role in helping marketers balance effective advertising strategies with the need to comply with enhanced data protection laws.

By adopting Google Consent Mode V2, businesses can ensure their digital marketing practices are aligned with legal requirements while still being able to perform critical data analysis and personalisation. This trend is not just about compliance; it’s about maintaining user trust and adapting to a privacy-focused market environment. Marketers must prepare for this shift by integrating Consent Mode V2 into their digital strategies, thus safeguarding their ability to collect valuable insights without compromising on user privacy.

3. Enhanced Focus on Conversion Optimisation

Conversion optimisation? What, the practice that has been established since the early 20th century? A trend in 2024? Yes… hear me out!

We all know that the last few years (even two months!) have brought massive uncertainty, with Covid, the war in Ukraine, the energy crisis, the cost-of-living crisis, Elon buying Twitter… you get the picture. With a fear of a global recession rising as a result of this perfect storm, marketing budgets are being squeezed.

The expectations for the same advertising spend is also increasing with every pound having to work harder. This, on top of the changes in automation and Google and Co’s reliance on data, means that it is more important than ever to have the best performing website and landing pages possible. This is where conversion optimisation comes in.

Your paid media budget has to go further, but there’s little you can do about external market forces. You have to focus on the things you can control. That means getting your own house in order. Optimising your landing pages, calls-to-action, user journeys and checkout process just makes sense. Factoring that zero-party data I mentioned earlier into your decision-making will also go a long way.

I suspect 2024 will be a landmark year for conversion optimisation as uncertainty continues to influence markets, and I expect to see more companies taking it more seriously to get the results they want.

4. Video will reign supreme

Much like mobile 10 years ago, video has had its place firmly cemented on predictions lists, and this year is no different. The video content explosion continues unabated, with platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels driving the trend. In 2024, video is not just about consumption but also engagement. Brands that succeed will be those that create authentic, captivating videos that grab attention in seconds. The trend towards short-form content highlights the shift in consumer preferences towards quicker, more digestible media, pushing brands to rethink their content strategies to keep pace with the changing digital landscape. 

The growth of video may not be a new trend, but the low barrier to entry is now making this medium even more accessible. Successful videos no longer need to be the ones with the highest production value, but instead ones that capture the audience quickly.

And the data continues to back this up as a trend marketers can’t just forget about with YouTube shorts reaching around 70 billion daily views, TikTok reaching 2.05 billion registered users worldwide (up from 1.7 billion in 2022) and 87% of marketers saying video has helped them directly increase sales.

5. Rise of AI in Creative Processes

The rise of AI in creative processes is a key digital marketing trend for 2024. AI now extends beyond analytics into content creation and personalisation (check out how AI is enhancing PPC campaigns). This technology allows brands to generate written content and design visual advertisements quickly and efficiently, tailoring messages to match audience preferences with remarkable precision.

AI-driven tools can create engaging and relevant marketing materials across various platforms, ensuring brand messaging is consistent and impactful. By automating routine tasks, AI frees up human creatives to focus on strategy and innovation. This shift is transforming the way brands interact with their audiences, making marketing efforts more dynamic, responsive, and data-driven. As AI technology advances, its integration into creative workflows is expected to deepen, setting new standards for efficiency and customisation in digital marketing campaigns.

How to Use These Change Predictions

OK, so you have the predictions, but how can you actually use these in your marketing efforts? To get the most out of these trend predictions, start by assessing your current marketing strategies and identify areas for improvement or expansion, as well a which points are relevant for the business you;re workingwith. Consider how each trend might impact your audience and industry. For instance, if your target market spends a significant amount of time on social media, increasing your investment in social commerce and video content might yield substantial returns. Implement tools and platforms that align with these trends—like enhancing user experience through AI in creative processes or ensuring compliance with Google Consent Mode V2. Regularly track the performance and adapt your strategy to leverage these trends effectively, staying ahead of the curve in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Summing Up – 2024 Digital Marketing

As 2024 unfolds, embracing changes in digital marketing will be crucial for staying competitive and relevant. From the surge in social commerce to the pivotal role of AI in creative processes, each offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience more effectively and personalise their experience. By integrating these insights into your marketing strategies, you can enhance engagement, boost conversions, and build lasting customer relationships. Remember, the key to capitalising on these trends is flexibility and responsiveness to change—qualities that will define the successful marketers of tomorrow. Let’s leverage these predictions to forge innovative paths in our digital marketing journeys and achieve new heights of success.